Saturday, December 10, 2011


During this semester attending this class of English has been a very pleasant experience because I learned many things in special how to write an essay. After reviewing and compares with others made earlier in other classes it was a big difference, before I did not know how to structure an essay, now I know I have to include a summary, claims, reason, evidence and conclusion . For me in particular has been very hard and struggling because besides my first language is Spanish but very rewarding, anyway it has been a class in which we share and discussing different topics and ideas according with the subject, with my classmates also we made comments that it was a different way to learn how to write blogs so in general it was a wonderful learning.
 Using media and writing essay in blogs it was a dynamic and new experience, I remember the first day I didn’t know how to using and write in blogs and I asked Dr X that I don’t know how to write in blogs and she was been so sweet and patient, so she said don’t worry “here you are going to learn many things not only English’’ and she was right through different articles and topics like media, food, water, health and watching movies I believe that all my classmates and me we been learning a lot. Go online and share your writing and read with others and make comments also was great because you are able to have the opportunity to see where are your weakness and try to fix and do better. For example for my essay I believe that my favorite is blog 10 Imitation on the Film because that was an personal experience with my friend’s son also the blogs of the food unit it was a good learning about this topic I never imagine that in English class I will be learning the reality of the food industry or the ending of the bottle of water such a good experience and learning in our English class
As evidence from the above will be our final project. We have to cook or do something to show or projecting part of our learning during this class.
Where do you learn all of those things? … Only in English 099 class with Dr X, for your effort and dedication as an educator to students.  ! Thank you very much!

1 comment:

  1. Thank YOU for all your hard work and your heartfelt reflection!:-)
