Saturday, October 29, 2011

Blog 8

Does Knowledge Make You Happier?

As the author Cornell and Malcolmson's states in the film “The Matrix” Neon in this film the process of knowledge can experience positive and adverse aspects that affects him in different ways. On a positive way, we can experiment the feeling of happiness, joy, and feeling to explore something different we don’t know as Neo in the beginning of the film he was exited with the curiosity of knowledge and he does not mind the consequences because he wants to experiment how or what is the truth. In the negative sense, he can experience frustration, anger, depression and the feeling to stop all sensations of frustration because that is not good, as Neo during the learning process he wanted to get out because the feeling is so painful.

         Some times Knowledge can be good because Knowing the truth can be very rewarding and can give you much joy and happiness, but to achieve this happiness you have to go through many levels of learning that are not easy,  sometimes can be sacrificed but the end is very rewarding. Neo who wanted to have knowledge of the truth of this new life offered him by Morpheus he had to experiment a lot of physical pain to know that he was the chosen one to save humanity.

         For example, in the human process when women want to be mothers, we are happy to get this experience so in the way to accomplish this happiness you can experiment the feeling of pain during the waiting process, sometimes can be painful because complications can occur, but this does not prevent us from knowledge understanding and the wish to be mothers because in the end the joy of knowledge that the child was born is the most sublime feeling that fills us with satisfaction and happiness. Like Neo, he wants go into the process of knowledge for the truth and  no matter the process he has to go to rescue the humanity and live in the new world.

         Further more, during the process the knowledge you can feel the negative way like the decision is wrong because this true you don’t like or is not like you thing it will be, so you react in the negative way. This is because you feel that the process to get it is so difficult and you feel depressed, angry, sad, and you want to get out, like Neo when relies that this new life or the knowledge for the truth is based on robots, machines and the challenge to pass these obstacles is difficult.

         Another example, right now in the process of knowledge on how to write an essay, I am practicing many times but sometimes when I do not feel so confident and we have a quiz the result is not like I want. My immediate reaction is the feeling of frustration, sometimes anger and I want to quit but I know this is the process to succeed in this challenge to get better in writing. Also like Neo when he went back and rescue Morpheus, he feel frustrate and sad with the idea that Morpheus will die, after that he decide to rescue  and prepare to confront the enemy with guns and other things that help to accomplish the rescue.

         In conclusion the process of knowledge could be with obstacles that affect people with positive and negative feelings. Positive with good feelings and happiness, and negative with sadness and frustration so the best we can do is be prepared for knowledge of the truth.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blog 7

                               The Dangers of Reality TV

           The writer Timothy Sexton in his article “The Dangers of Reality TV” states that reality shows on TV are sending a risk message to the audience especially young viewers. For instance, the author refers to the emphasis on competition, participants must compete with each other to win and become rich and famous. Sexton also mentioned in this article that these shows require people to care and give great importance to the image more than the ability they may have. Moreover, the message most hazardous that these programs are sending to the young viewers is the wrong message about education which for such programs is not important.

 I agree with the points made by the author in this article, especially the education The education is the most important thing that a person can achieve for their personal development in the future; fame and fortune that participants gain in these programs are not permanent and can be vanished, education instead stays with the person for the rest of his life.

             Unfortunately, these TV shows do not require a level of education for participants and send the wrong message t
o the audience into thinking that on these programs is much easier to make a lot more money than a person who sacrificed studying to get a college degree.'

As an example of the value and importance of education. My friend brothers who finish only school I think 8 grades won the lottery. When the news came out in newspapers, appeared many friends who did not see in years start to visit him asking for money, also he get started to spend money on many things that were not necessary, and lead a life as a millionaire in many parties and fun, plus a lot of people asking them to invest money  with them, in the end it happened that the money is finished, also he take a lot of credits and the worst part that my friend discovered was the administrator stolen money. This experience was a warning for him and many people that think the study is not important to succeed, of course the education is necessary so that other people do not take advantage of us.

In conclusion, we should become aware as an audience and especially as parents to explain to our young children that these programs are part of the fantasies created by the producers of the Programs to earn more money by sending erroneous and negative messages like thinking that life which can be as easy without education.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blog 6

Truman struggles between what his society and his “good Cristoff” tell him to do and be, and what he feels he wants to do and who he wants to be.

        On this subject “self determinations” I would like to write about one friend of my named Kelly.

         Few years ago Kelly apparently had a happy married, mother of two beautiful girls, a worker husband and many friends. So everyone we think she get a happy life, where the husband have a lot of consideration with her, helping in the house with the kids and take care of duties in the house, like cleaning, cocking and most of the weekends they go out and enjoy with parents and friends. Also they go separate each one with friends, so we comment they are nice couple and they trust each other.

         One day she disobeyed the rules from our society and followed her instincts. She met a young men, so the rumors or her infidelity came more and more so Mr. Perez ( husband) confront Kelly  about these rumors and she was accepted that she was living a false life and unhappy.

         At this point the consequences of this drama, the separate family unfortunately the little girls are suffering and she cannot see them. But in the other hand she broke the rules of our society and the unhappy life she was living during year and wandering for better life after all.

We never know which one is a better choice until we confront our weakness and assume our responsibilities.  

Monday, October 17, 2011

Blog 5

       I believe 99% of the people we are depending on the media, using the gadgets from the technology like television, radio, cell phones, mp3, IPod and many others devices, the reason is  because we are living in rush around the world in consequence the  need to get information faster than our ability of think. So we are prisoners of the information through the technology and we cannot live out of the media like in "The Allegory of the Cave".

But in this speed around the life make that we are losing our control and our ability of thinking. Also the urgency in how we want to obtain information makes us more dependent of the media and electronic devices and we do not realize that we live like “Truman” in the world created for the technology and media. It is true it gives us the comfort to get the information and entertainment faster than ever, in the time the event occur but we are not realize also that is limiting  our ability to think, use our intelligence and imagination, furthermore we are losing our self control.

For instance when we want search in internet something, for some reason we do not have a connection, our immediate reaction is disappointed, upset, frustrate and angry .In consequence we are losing self control.

We must be aware that this comfort of technology is limiting us to live in the darkness of the dependency.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


When I started this class I felt very confused, because I did not know how to write an Essay, but as we have advanced these class I have been learning step by step how should be the stucture in order to complete.
I feel I have progressed in many ways but I still have problems because is not easily for me to identify the main idea and I feel unsafe to continue to developing the following steps.
Annotating in this part I know what I have to include. Summarize I feel little confused, sometimes I did not added important details from the reading but other times I added many details .Thesis Statement and Paragraphing, I still confuse in what I have to include on Thesis Statement and the  Paragraphing. So these steps are my biggest problems, on this part I am struggle because I am very slow, I took long time thinking in how developing the idea and I don’t know how to continue, causes me a lot of stress. 
After all I am more confident and sure of myself because during this time I have advanced my knowledge in grammar and writing .I am reading more than before in order to improve my reading and I will continue and put my best effort to learning this semester.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

blog 2A

According to the article "I Know the True, so Don't Bother Me with Facts" the author Jeffrey Kluger states how the information based on rumors and false believes make the people with strong thoughts would change and believe these lies, change their opinions and reverse their position. In this article, the information comes from rumors and weak facts about the proposed planers to build a mosque at Ground Zero, which is not a mosque, will be an Islamic cultural center in downtown Manhattan.
Furthermore While Garret and Nisbet conducted a study where showing that “how easy is to manipulate people belief system with insinuating pictures or inflammatory quotes”.

In my opinion, unfortunately, some information came from weakness sources and sound like strong facts and makes the people take advantage from this information and believe them and take a position.

First in our society, many people make opinions based on the information they read or leasing. Sometimes this information comes from rumors and false information in consequence the opinion from those peoples is wrong like in this article by Jeffrey Kluger “I Know the Truth, So Don’t Bother Me with Facts”. People make an opinion for rumors such as the Muslim people will build a mosque in Ground Zero in Manhattan that is not true. What they proposed is to build an Islamic cultural Center in downtown Manhattan, where they will be present different pictures, objects or articles from the Islamic Culture and give the opportunity to other people from different cultures to know and learn about this culture.

Second in this article, the author included the study conducted by While Garret and Nisbet state that “how easy is to manipulate people’s belief system with insinuating pictures or inflammatory quotes”. For example, I remember one news paper from New York present as a part of this article of the construction of the mosque, pictures of the destroyed twin towers and pictures of the people who died in this devastating event and comment how is possible that the authorities from New York think or make a consideration to give a permission to build a mosque in the place where hundreds of Americans died because of the Muslims.
Based on this facts we can confirm that people act and make decisions   according to what they hears and sees on the news regardless on the evidence  presented.

In conclusion we have our own opinions base on facts not on rumors or false information. We have to respect the ideas of others, not to judge an entire culture for the mistakes and believe of a few of its members, because the only thing achieving by this is creating conflict in humanity.