Saturday, October 8, 2011

blog 2A

According to the article "I Know the True, so Don't Bother Me with Facts" the author Jeffrey Kluger states how the information based on rumors and false believes make the people with strong thoughts would change and believe these lies, change their opinions and reverse their position. In this article, the information comes from rumors and weak facts about the proposed planers to build a mosque at Ground Zero, which is not a mosque, will be an Islamic cultural center in downtown Manhattan.
Furthermore While Garret and Nisbet conducted a study where showing that “how easy is to manipulate people belief system with insinuating pictures or inflammatory quotes”.

In my opinion, unfortunately, some information came from weakness sources and sound like strong facts and makes the people take advantage from this information and believe them and take a position.

First in our society, many people make opinions based on the information they read or leasing. Sometimes this information comes from rumors and false information in consequence the opinion from those peoples is wrong like in this article by Jeffrey Kluger “I Know the Truth, So Don’t Bother Me with Facts”. People make an opinion for rumors such as the Muslim people will build a mosque in Ground Zero in Manhattan that is not true. What they proposed is to build an Islamic cultural Center in downtown Manhattan, where they will be present different pictures, objects or articles from the Islamic Culture and give the opportunity to other people from different cultures to know and learn about this culture.

Second in this article, the author included the study conducted by While Garret and Nisbet state that “how easy is to manipulate people’s belief system with insinuating pictures or inflammatory quotes”. For example, I remember one news paper from New York present as a part of this article of the construction of the mosque, pictures of the destroyed twin towers and pictures of the people who died in this devastating event and comment how is possible that the authorities from New York think or make a consideration to give a permission to build a mosque in the place where hundreds of Americans died because of the Muslims.
Based on this facts we can confirm that people act and make decisions   according to what they hears and sees on the news regardless on the evidence  presented.

In conclusion we have our own opinions base on facts not on rumors or false information. We have to respect the ideas of others, not to judge an entire culture for the mistakes and believe of a few of its members, because the only thing achieving by this is creating conflict in humanity.

1 comment:

  1. I like your response, but I am not sure you have summarized the main idea in Kluger's essay correctly.
