Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blog 6

Truman struggles between what his society and his “good Cristoff” tell him to do and be, and what he feels he wants to do and who he wants to be.

        On this subject “self determinations” I would like to write about one friend of my named Kelly.

         Few years ago Kelly apparently had a happy married, mother of two beautiful girls, a worker husband and many friends. So everyone we think she get a happy life, where the husband have a lot of consideration with her, helping in the house with the kids and take care of duties in the house, like cleaning, cocking and most of the weekends they go out and enjoy with parents and friends. Also they go separate each one with friends, so we comment they are nice couple and they trust each other.

         One day she disobeyed the rules from our society and followed her instincts. She met a young men, so the rumors or her infidelity came more and more so Mr. Perez ( husband) confront Kelly  about these rumors and she was accepted that she was living a false life and unhappy.

         At this point the consequences of this drama, the separate family unfortunately the little girls are suffering and she cannot see them. But in the other hand she broke the rules of our society and the unhappy life she was living during year and wandering for better life after all.

We never know which one is a better choice until we confront our weakness and assume our responsibilities.  

1 comment:

  1. Interesting story. Kelly seems pretty brave. Is she doing better now?
